Glass House Winery & Brewery

5898 Free Union Road
Free Union, Virginia 22940

Named after the large tropical plant conservatory on site, Glass House is a boutique winery in the heart of the Monticello Wine Trail. We craft artisan wines made solely from grapes grown on our property.

We now have 15 acres under vine and have chosen grapes that bring out the best of the terroir in our region. We cultivate these grapes with meticulous care at our winery, while striving to treat the Earth of Virginia as respectfully and gently as possible in the process.

We also make Glass House Winery chocolates and have been a pioneer in developing the local music scene at area farm wineries and breweries. The Glass House Winery Bed & Breakfast is a whimsical getaway with stunning views of the vineyards and Blue Ridge Mountains.



  • Winemaking on Site
  • Lodging On-Site
  • Glass House Winery & Brewery
  • 5898 Free Union Road
    Free Union, Virginia 22940

  • (434) 975-0094