A Brief History of the French Restaurant with Chef/Food Guide Allison ZInder

October 29
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Vault Virgina

300 E. Main Street Charlottesville VA 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Have you ever wondered how and where the French restaurant was born? Find out during this entertaining lecture!

From the "Belly of Paris" to French onion soup and the (in)famous food guilds, you'll learn all about the fascinating history of the French restaurant.

Juicy anecdotes from Allison's nearly 30 years spent working in the French food world complete this vivid picture of a people's Paris, where the working class mingled with stars in the local haunts of the times.

You'll also get an eyeful of the most current restaurant trends sweeping Paris right now, and helpful tips for your next trip. This lecture is guaranteed to enlighten and to whet your appetite for Paris!
