Brookes (Revisited)

November 15
12:00 PM

Elmaleh Gallery, Campbell Hall at UVA

110 Bayly Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22903

_mpathic design's Brookes (Revisited) is the first design exhibition to accurately visualize the iconic 1788 drawing Stowage of the British Slave Ship Brookes under the Regulated Slave Trade Act of 1788, created by British abolitionists using architectural techniques. The exhibition uses an innovative empathic design to humanize 5,122 captured ancestors in voyages of Brookes' Middle Passage Atlantic crossings. The work melds architecture, art, history, and contemporary thought, sparking new conversations about the confinement of ancestors in the ship's hold. Using research from slave trade and British naval databases, the work visualizes Brookes' 11 voyages, providing a new understanding of the ship's untold narrative.