Dealing with Difficult Pasts: Ethics, Collections, and Public SpacesCharlottesville 22903
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Dealing with Difficult Pasts: Ethics, Collections, and Public Spaces
March 17
9:30 AM
to 4:30 PM
Newcomb Hall South Meeting Room
Charlottesville 22903
Charlottesville, VA 22903
- Admission: $0.00
- Contact: Harrison
- Email:
On Monday, March 17, scholars from around the world will give presentations of their work in four panels over the course of the day. Each panel will focus on one theme (Voices Left Out, Family Histories, Difficult Histories, and the Ethics of Data) but bring together research on three difficult pasts: Northern Ireland, the Holocaust, and the history of enslavement and its aftermath in the United States.