Dig into the Health Benefits of Gardening

October 1
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

The Center at Belvedere

540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA, 22901
Charlottesville, VA 22901

At noon Tuesday, October 1, The Center at Belvedere will host "Dig into the Health Benefits of Gardening," a free presentation by Piedmont Master Gardeners who are also retired health care professionals. As part of The Center's programming during the

International Council on Active Aging's Active Aging Week, their talk will examine the positive effects on our physical condition and mental health that come from being outside and caring for a garden. They will also outline strategies for staying safe and avoiding injuries while working in the garden. The event is part of a full day of programming by the Piedmont Master Gardeners on how gardening can benefit our health while also helping to protect and sustain our environment. The Center is at 540 Belvedere Blvd. in Charlottesville. To register for the presentation, visit https://thecentercville.org/calendar/event/124147//2