Farmers Market at Ix

November 9
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Ix Art Park

522 Second St. SE, Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

We may have to drink cold cider, lemonade and bring back the popsicles in this weather. But the fall themes of gourds, greens, root vegetables, pumpkins, Dahlia's and Mums still prevail. Find the full range of farm and ranch products for healthy meals, and pick up breakfast treats or tacos, sausage, crab cake or focaccia sandwiches, crepes, Jamaican food, and more for breakfast or to take home. Browse the woodwork, baskets, jewelry, pottery, glasswork, graphic and textile arts while sipping coffee or tea. All the vendor details and their location can be found on our website.
