Fridays After Five: Shagwuf w/ Holy Roller

July 19
5:30 PM

Ting Pavilion

700 E Main St
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Shagwüf - Hair-flipping, Back-bending, Rock & Roll

If Barbarella hooked up with Ziggy Stardust under the bleachers of The Rolling Stones' rock'n'roll circus, that love child would grow up to be Shagwüf. A genre-defying band with a variety of influences entrenched in their gutter-glam and fuzzed-out psychedelia, Shagwüf is a unique revelation for the discerning music lover. The Virginia trio is recognized as a fierce live act with strong convictions on a variety of social issues as they consistently make their case for a more inclusive and intersectional future. Sweet freaks to the front.
