Improv for Misfits

October 7
5:00 PM to 6:15 PM

Studio IX

969 2nd Street Southeast, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

A six-week workshop on using improvisational comedy techniques with intention. The first class is offered as a free trial. The rest of the workshop will cost $150 through Venmo, Cash, or Paypal

Heather Winslow has been performing comedy in Virginia for almost fifteen years. She has taught others creative writing, improv, and stand-up and produced comedy shows, and stand-up for seven years. She is a mom, producer, and interdisciplinary PhD student whose research is on the Neuroscience of humor perception. Pretty cool huh? As a person who has used humor and therapy to help with PTSD symptoms, her mission is to bring comedy, community, and laughter to the marginalized communities of central VA and Veterans worldwide. Join her for a fantastic 6 weeks of self-exploration through games, community, and laughter. By the end, you will gain listening skills, teamwork skills, humor skills, and friends. Absolutely no experience or humor skills necessary!
