No Stupid Questions103 South 1st St., Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22902
No Stupid Questions
May 3
7:30 PM
The Southern Cafe & Music Hall
103 South 1st St., Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22902
- Admission: $20.00
- Contact: Nathan Leslie
- Email:
We've all heard a downtrodden teacher try to coax their students into raising their hand by gently reminding them "There's no such thing as a stupid question…"
The problem is, that isn't true, and NSQ makes music for the people at the back of the class, asking stupid questions that no one wants to know the answers to.
NSQ arrived at New York the long way: trekking from the flannels of Seattle to the polos of Long Island before joining forces at a cramped Brooklyn bar on a Saturday afternoon in 2022. Like most bands that form in Brooklyn bars, they put their musical influences in the shaker and drank the contents, creating a sonic cocktail consisting of equal parts indie alternative and Americana, with a dash of Dadrock and a grungy garnish.
Sunglass-wearing singer/songwriter Brian Cropp, guitarist and stressed-out producer Jake Baynum, bass player with the big pants Adam Keltz, and alarmingly soft-spoken drummer Raffi Krigel put their roughly three brains together to perform on the sticky-floored venues across New York City, headlining shows and running up bar tabs at venues such as The Bowery Ballroom, The Mercury Lounge, and Baby's All Right.
No Stupid Questions released their debut album in 2024, which has earned praise from influential critical outlets from our parents' Facebook pages to Adam's friends yelling "Play Shotgun" at every show. In addition, their profile in Off the Record Press is still being cited as a landmark turning point for alternative-folk New York indie alternative post-punk journalism.
Now if you'll please press play, put down your phone, and lower your hand, we can finally conclude the lecture and begin the show.