On View at Welcome Gallery: Brielle DuFlon, Eboni Bugg, Elena Yu, & M. Pittman

September 19 to September 25

Welcome Gallery

114 3rd St NE, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

From September 6-25, 2024, New City Arts presents fallow, the 2024 New City Arts Fellowship exhibition featuring work by Brielle DuFlon, Eboni Bugg, Elena Yu, and M. Pittman.

The 2024 New City Arts Fellowship invited a select group of artists to make work responding to the annual theme, fallow, written by Fellowship Guest Curator, MaKshya Tolbert. Following an open call and competitive application process, this year's Artist Fellows were selected by a community panel.

During month-long Fellowships that included a studio space grant-located at The Underground (The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative)-and a stipend, these four artists considered their "fallow places"."Take us" MaKshya invited artists, "to your fallow place-that geographical, ecological, diasporic, and/or interior site where land, life, or living as you know it has folded, fallen apart, gone barren, turned over. This open residency call emerges from worn earth, the aftermath of tobacco and wheat, and the wake of plantation life across and beyond Central Virginia. What happens if we meet at our wounds? What do we make, when repair is our imperative?" (Read the full theme here.)


The 2024 New City Arts Fellowship is made possible with support from anonymous donors, the Anne & Gene Worrell Foundation, the Community Endowment Fund at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, Pam Sutton-Wallace and Maurice Wallace, and a partnership with The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative.