Paint + Sip: "Wildflower Pint Glasses" + FREE DRINK

April 15
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Ellie's Country Club

16 Elliewood Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2604

Join us to learn how to paint this design in a step by step format, no experience necessary! Your ticket includes all supplies including 1 or 2 pint glasses (your choice) and specialty glassware paint. Each class is taught by a professional artist that will guide you through various techniques at a comfortable pace.

We are graciously hosted by various local venues, we ask that you please enjoy their offerings during class.

To cure your glassware so the paint doesn't wash off: you will also get these instructions on a printed card to take home at class.

Place your glasses in a cool oven.

Set oven to 350 F and bake for 30 minutes. Turn oven OFF.

Allow glass project to cool down in the oven to room temperature, then remove.
