Paramount On Screen: Manhattan Short Film Festival

September 28
7:30 PM

The Paramount Theater

215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. Charlottesville, VA 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Manhattan Short is a celebration of short films and was established in 1998 on the streets of New York City. Today, it has transformed into a worldwide phenomenon as it screens ten compelling shorts in 500+ cinemas simultaneously during the week of September 26 to October 6, 2024.

Manhattan Short doesn't have judges award the short films. Instead, they allow the audience-i.e., you to be the judge. The audience votes for their choice of Best Film and Best Actor. Then on the last day of the festival, the short films with the most votes are announced as the winners. Manhattan Short is for film lovers who want to experience unique and riveting stories from all around the world.

The ten Manhattan Short Finalists hail from eight countries with films from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Italy, France, Australia, Croatia, and Ireland, as well as two films from the USA.

The MANHATTAN SHORT Final Ten are: The Talent (UK), I'm Not a Robot (the Netherlands), Mother (Ukraine), Dovecote (Italy), Pathological (USA), Alarms (France), Favourites (Australia), The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent (Croatia), Room Taken (Ireland), Jane Austen's Period Drama (USA).

All Final Ten short films become Oscar-qualified, meaning they will be automatically eligible for an Academy Award nomination by screening for a week at the Arena Cinelounge in Hollywood in the county of Los Angeles.
