Piedmont Landscape Association Presents: 40th Annual Seminar

February 13
9:00 AM

The Paramount Theater

215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. Charlottesville, VA 22902
Charlottesville, VA 22902

The 40th Annual Seminar of the Piedmont Landscape Association will be held on Thursday, February 13 at the historic Paramount Theater in Charlottesville, VA. Attendees will enjoy a diverse lineup of lectures from nationally renowned landscaping and horticultural experts as well as a rich "hallway track" to interact face-to-face with local landscaping contractors, environmental non-profits, nurseries, and other green businesses and organizations in the Charlottesville area.

This year's speaker topics include:

Hannah Lewis – Using Mini-Forests to Rewild our Communities for Climate Resistance

Harland Patch – The Biodiverse Pollinator Garden: Lessons from Research and Practice

Paul Tukey – The Sustainable Art of Lawns and Landscape

Paul Westervelt – The New Perennial Movement and Why It Matters

Whether you're a seasoned landscape professional, curious about starting a backyard garden, or anything in between, the seminar is a great opportunity to spend a day talking shop with some of the best and brightest minds in current landscape design and maintenance.

The event is from 8:45am to 4:45pm with regular breaks between talks and a 1 hour break for lunch (lunch will not be provided). A light continental breakfast and coffee will be served from 8:00 to 8:45am.
