Piedmont Virginia Bird Club Seed Sale

October 19
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Wild Birds Unlimited

Wild Birds Unlimited, 810 Twentyninth Place Court, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22901-7425

The Piedmont Virginia Bird Club is a group of about 200 people who join together to share their enthusiasm for birds and nature. The 2024-2025 season marks our club's thirty-ninth anniversary. Our meetings and field trips are always free and mostly open to the public. If you want to learn more about bird identification and behavior, or if you just want to talk to others with similar interests, please join us soon on a field trip or at a meeting!

Field trips are with experienced leaders to local or distant sites where the birds concentrate. Monthly meetings feature invited speakers who share their expertise with entertaining and informative presentations.


Piedmont Virginia Bird Club (PVBC) supports the local community by providing speakers for community groups, local schools and organizations which wish to learn about birds and bird identification. PVBC has provided Birding Kits (binoculars and local birding information cards) for the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Branches to loan to the community. PVBC supplies bird seed and feeders to local schools so that the attracted birds can spark nature lessons.
