
October 1
7:00 PM

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

5th Street Station, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Sixty years on and Hitchcock's delicious cod-Freudian nightmare about a platinum-blonde embezzler (Janet Leigh) who neglected to consult a guide before selecting her motel still has much to answer for. It blazed a bloody trail for the much-loved slasher cycle, but it also assured us that a B-movie could be A-grade in quality and innovation. It dared to suggest that your star didn't need to surface from an ordeal smelling of roses (or, indeed, at all). It combined a knife, a scream, a melon, some chocolate sauce, Bernard Herrmann's greatest score, and more than 70 edits to push the envelope of screen violence.
