Urban Inequality: How to Change It

November 4
5:00 PM

Campbell Hall 153: School of Architecture at UVA

110 Bayly Drive Charlottesville VA 22903
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Discover tools and strategies for equitable, sustainable, and just cities with Jovanna Rosen, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Rutgers University Camden and author of Community Benefits: Developers, Negotiations, and Accountability (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023).

In Community Benefits, Rosen explores a new pattern in urban development: local residents and community representatives leveraging large-scale development projects for agreements that promise dedicated local benefits, such as parks and jobs. While such agreements now exist across the nation, the process of negotiating and enforcing them remains challenging. What works for these agreements to successfully produce community outcomes?

For the lecture, Rosen will share case studies of community benefit agreements and discuss how her research addresses urban inequality more broadly.

Supported by the Robert L. Plavnick Endowment.