508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434) 282-6643
WriterHouse508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Writing Diverse Characters Responsibly508 Dale Ave. Charlottesville, Va 22902
May 10
10:00 AM
to 12:00 PM
508 Dale Ave. Charlottesville, Va 22902
The writing adage is to write what you know, but if we, as writers, only write about our own experience, are we limiting ourselves and our readers to a world that is too monochromatic? In this 2-session seminar, we'll discuss the challenges of writing "the other" as well as our ethical and social responsibilities when doing so. We'll talk about strategies and processes to help us be responsible and compassionate writers as well as what the limits might be for writing in the experience of a person who differs from us in ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or economic class. Participants will walk away from the course with a clear and personalized sense of what is available to them and what territories of experience they feel uncomfortable exploring.
508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434) 282-6643
WriterHouse508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
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