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August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes and Recording

August 25, 2022

The audio recordings of the August 2022 Board Meeting can be accessed here:

August 2022 Board Meeting 1.mp3

August 2022 Board Meeting 2.mp3

Please find the meeting minutes below:
Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau
Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2022 – 2:00 p.m.

: Walter Burton, Elizabeth Cromwell, Russ Cronberg, Chris Engel, Pam Higgins, George Hodson, Bea LaPisto-Kirtley, Gary Sandling, Gabe Silver, Juandiego Wade

ABSENT: Angelic Jenkins, Roger Johnson, Susan Krischel, Jay Pun

ALSO ATTENDING: Lauren Bohdan, Courtney Cacatian, Mariane Asad Doyle, Roy Van Doorn


Chairman Gabe Silver called the meeting to order at 2:06 PM.

a. Roll Call: Chairman Gabe Silver invited Lauren Bohdan to perform the roll call.

b. Consent Agenda: Gabe asked for input on the consent agenda. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, and the consent agenda was approved.

c. Director's Update: Executive Director Courtney Cacatian gave an overview of some brief highlights, including the reception of ARPA funding from the city, The move to hire contractors in the future to utilize this funding, and the Destiny Award which was given to the CACVB for work on Discover Black Cville at the Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations (ESTO) in Michigan.

d. Montalto Background: Courtney invited Gary Sandling of Monticello to speak on the history and background of the property at Montalto.

e. Breakout for OKR Evaluation: Courtney asked board members to step onto the balcony overlooking Charlottesville prior to breaking out into three groups to evaluate the Objectives and Key Results. Board would reconvene after an hour to present to the rest of the board on behalf of their group why these OKR's were important to the continuous development of the CACVB.

f. Presentations of Groups: The board regrouped with George Hodson presenting on Administrative and Community OKR's, Russ Cronberg presenting on Visitor Service's OKR's, and Walter Burton presenting on Marketing and Sales OKR's. Courtney noted that OKR's would be adjusted per conversations where needed and bring finalized OKR's for the CACVB to the board meeting in October.

g. Public Comment: There were no public comments.

h. Board Announcement: Gary Sandling announced that he would be leaving Monticello on Friday, August 26th after 17 years of working with the Thomas Jefferson Foundation. Mariane Asad Doyle, the current Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion at Monticello will be taking Gary's place on the CACVB Board of Directors.

Chairman Gabe Silver adjourned the meeting at 4:10 PM.