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June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes and Recordings

July 1, 2024

The audio recordings, director's presentation, and closed meeting certification of the June 2024 Board Meeting can be accessed here:

June 2024 Board Meeting Recording.mp3

June 2024 Directors Report Presentation

June 2024 Motion for Closed Meeting

June 2024 Certification of Closed Meeting

Please find the meeting minutes below:

Meeting Minutes
Charlottesville Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau
Board of Directors Meeting
June 24, 2024 – 2:00 p.m
The Draftsman, Autograph Collection Hotel

Francois Abadie, Cecil Banks, Russ Cronberg, Chris Engel, Emily Kilroy, Jennifer Lyon, Jaruchan Palakawongs, Jay Pun, Danny Shea, Brad Uhl, Juandiego Wade, John Wharton

Rebecca Ivins, Bea LaPisto-Kirtley

Courtney Cacatian, Lauren Bohdan, Reggie Leonard, Tracey Love


Vice-Chair Russ Cronberg called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m.

a. Industry Presentation:
Russ invited Reggie Leonard and Tracey Love of Oenoverse to speak. Oenoverse is committed to expanding opportunity in and through the Virginia wine, particularly for people from historically excluded and underrepresented communities, as well as younger audiences. Oenoverse leads three main initiatives: Oenoverse Club, Oeno Camp with The Veraison Project, and Two Up Wine Down Festival. Oenoverse has received national recognition and will be featured at Wine + Culture Fest, which will be held in July at National Harbor. Oenoverse is also partnering with Amtrak to provide transportation for travel writers coming to Charlottesville-Albemarle area.

b. Consent Agenda:
Russ asked for input on the consent agenda including previous meeting's minutes, financial statement, and approval for Executive Director to sign audit letter. A motion was made by Emily Kilroy and seconded by Chris Engel. The motion was passed, all items were approved, and the consent agenda was passed.

c. Motion to Change Board Meeting Date:
Russ asked for motion to move October 2024 Board meeting from October 28 to October 21. A motion was made by Juandiego Wade and seconded by John Wharton. The change of date was approved and passed.

d. Motion to Approve Expense over $100,000:
Russ asked for motion to approve expense over $100,000 to contract new search engine optimization (SEO) marketing firm. Contract could be up to $300,000. Contract would go out to bid in Albemarle County’s regular RFP process. Expense is already included in FY25 budget. A motion to approve expense over $100,000 was made by Chris Engel and seconded by Juandiego Wade. The approval of expense was approved and passed.

e. Presentation of Tourism Master Plan:
Courtney Cacatian provided an overview of the proposed Tourism Master Plan. She highlighted the following key focus areas: Infrastructure related to outdoor recreation and transportation and Industry Advancement, which includes promoting and maturing regional assets, such as wine and history, growing mid-week travel, and supporting local businesses. Areas of consideration within the plan include Convention Center, Tourism Improvement District (TID), Arts and Music, and Downtown Mall. Board members asked several questions, particularly related to size and scope of possible Convention Center or large Conference Center.

f. Motion to Approve Tourism Master Plan:
Russ asked for motion to approve Tourism Master Plan. Motion was made by Jennifer Lyon and seconded by Juandiego Wade. The Tourism Master Plan was approved and passed.

g. Director's Report:
Courtney presented Director’s Report. Board members asked several questions about Tour Guide Training and need for step-on services.

h. Public Comment:
Roy Van Doorn of City Select serves on Charlottesville Albemarle Airport (CHO) Joint Airport Commission. He reported that CHO long range planning will include a new terminal. CHO currently averages 26 – 27 daily flights each way and actively works to attract flights to/from major hubs.

i. Board Announcements:
No Board Announcements.

j. Closed Meeting:
Russ made a motion to convene a closed meeting. A full vote of the present board members was conducted, and all were in favor. The county attorney was present during the closed meeting.

k. Certification of Closed Meeting:
Russ made a motion to certify the closed meeting. Chris Engel seconded the motion. A full vote of the present board members was conducted, and all were in favor.

Vice-Chair Russ Cronberg adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m.